SFRM LTD. located in SCOTLAND, Provides Superior Products and Service Solutions to Oil & Gas Customers in Upstream, Production, Transportation, Refining, and Related Industries.

Count on us for delivering Safe, Reliable Products and Services to help meet your Business objectives and move your project toward successful construction, start-up, and operations.

Upstream and Downstream Products Include Drilling, Instrumentation, Piping, Rotating, and Spare Parts for Oil & Gas wells, Refining, and Petrochemical Industries.

Engineered Mechanical and Rotating Equipment Repairs and Upgrades, Oilfield and Drilling Equipment Repair and Certification, Asset Management, and Field Engineering Services are delivered in the United Kingdom or the Middle East by SFRM LTD.

Oil & Gas Products and Services

SFRM LTD Services Offers a broad range of services to the international market. In order to facilitate our customers’ requirements worldwide, we offer the following services:
  • Oilfield Services
  • Gas Flaring Systems
  • Mud Engineering
  • Mud Line Suspension System
  • Mud Logging Services
  • MWD / LWD Services
  • Casing Running Services
  • Slick Line Services
  • Surface Wellhead System
  • Well Testing Services
  • Wire Line Logging Services
  • Coiled Tubing Services
  • Completion Services
  • Oil & gas consultants
  • Pipeline Engineering Software
  • Offshore Oil Spill Recovery